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1992 Shows at the Channel

January 2, 1992 Love Life & Fury 18+ Mantis, Rated R, Touch Me Hooker, Bandit
January 3, 1991 The Fools Doghouse, On The Verge, Q.E.P. Third Generation
January 4, 1992 O Positive Vindicators, Jigsaws
January 7, 1992 The Pact, Villan, Normandy Invasion, Predator, Rebellion 18 +
January 9, 1992 Lord Bane 18+ Chopshop, Mandragora
January 10, 1992 Physical Graffiti
January 14, 1992 Greg Howe II
January 18, 1992 Farrenheit
January 24, 1992 The Outlaws w Toy Caldwell
January 31, 1992 The Neighborhoods